Our topic this Term is …
World War 2 - Evacuees
This term we will be using a Shirley Hughes book 'The Lion and the Unicorn' to support our English learning. We will be looking at different areas of the war linking to Evacuees including The Blitz, Propaganda and Rationing.
We are also using two more books connected with our topic of WW2. We will be reading a picture book version of 'The Diary of Anne Frank' along with a book called 'Rose Blanche'. These will provide us with opportunities for writing different genres.
Our topic for Term 2 is ….
Time Travel
This term we will be using 2 books to support this topic. We will begin with a picture book called 'Between a Tick and a Tock' and then we will move on to a classic text 'A Christmas Carol'.
We will also be using clips of an animated version of 'A Christmas Carol' to support the children's learning.
Our Topic for Term 3 and 4 is ……
Race for the Pole!
This term we will be learning about Ernest Shackleton's epic journey trying to cross Antarctica. We will be learning all about his ship 'The Endurance' and what happened on this adventure.
We will be using a lovely book called 'Shackleton's Journey' by William Grill. The illustrations are almost cartoon like and the book is based on factual recount not fiction.
Our topic for Term 5 and Term 6 is …….
The Mayans
For the last 2 terms we will be learning all about the Mayans. We will be using two books throughout the 2 terms. The first book is called 'The Rain Player' by David Wisniewski this is a picture book which tells the story about a young boy who makes a deal with the Rain God : the second book is a comic strip book called 'The Hero Twins' by Dan Jolley. This book allows the children to explore a different genre of writing and illustration.
Throughout the two terms the children will also learn about Mayan Religion, Gods, Food, Clothing, Hierarchy and the location of Mexico in the world.