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Our Topics

Term Five: Vikings 


During Term Five in Year 4, your child will be learning about the Vikings raiding and invading Britain. 

Our core text is How to train your dragon. 


Term Four: Egyptians


Term Three: Europe including Russia  


Term Two: Anglo Saxons 

Traders and Raiders 

During Term Two in Year 4, your child will be learning about the Anglo Saxons settlement in Britain. 

Our core text is by Michael Morpurgo: Beowulf. 

We will be writing character descriptions, narratives, newspaper reports, curriculum vitaes, adverts, non-chronological reports and biographies within our English Writing and Topic work. 

We will be looking at Anglo Saxon settlements, the kingdoms they created as well as the art, culture and lifestyle of the Anglo Saxons. 

Term One:

Mighty Mountains 

During Term One in Year 4, your child will be learning about mountains across the world. 

Our core text is by Michael Morpurgo: King of the Cloud Forests. 

We will be writing diary entries, letters, non chronological reports and fact-files within our English Writing and Topic work. 

Our significant individual for this term is Sir Edmund Hilary. 

We will be using maps in atlases and online to locate mountain ranges, recapping knowledge of continents and different climates. 
