Home Page

Sycamore – Year 5

Year 5 Sycamore Class - 2023-2024


Welcome to our new class page.


I will update different areas on our class page as often as I can and hope that you will use this as a source of information to answer any questions. Additionally, you will also find useful information relating to the children's learning, important dates, photos of their work and their learning experiences throughout the year.


Should you have any questions or concerns you can always contact me by writing a note, emailing into the school office or telephoning to make an appointment. If it is a brief query you can always speak to me at the end of the day after I see the children out.


We look forward to meeting and working with you throughout the year and thank you in advance for your continued support with your children's learning.


Mrs Scanlon and Miss Warburton

Key Dates


PE - Term 6Is on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons outside
Spelling TestIs on a Friday morning
Times Tables TestIs on a Friday morning

Is set on a Friday and needs to be completed by Wednesday morning (either on, maths shed or plus learning weekly spellings, tables and 4 home reads per week


Please remember that children will need to bring their PE kits in from the first day back to school and these remain in school until half term. Also please remember that long hair needs to be tied back and children must have earrings removed - NO other jewellery should be worn to school.

Secondary School Admissions 2025

Admission to Secondary School information from Medway Council

Parent presentation

This is to explain the admission processes for September 2025 including the Medway Test. Registration for the Medway Test starts on the 20 May 2024 and the presentation includes other key dates. The information also helps parent/carers to make an informative decision about which school they wish to apply for their child.

Digital Information Guide (DIG)

This guide is now live on Medway Council’s website. As the admissions 2025 scheme progresses, this will be updated. Please use the following links:

Medway Test -

Admissions 2025 -


Grammar - A Parents' Guide
