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Weekly Homework

Homework this term will be: spellings, grammar and punctuation which will be on They will be set on Friday and will be due in on the following Wednesday.




Weekly Spellings and Times Tables


Spellings are set in Spelling books every Friday. Six of the words will be either from a word family of from the spelling list for year 1, 2 or 3,4, two will be words covered by previous year group and the final two will be curriculum related vocabulary.  The children will be tested on these every Friday. Children are expected to put the spellings into sentences as it is important they know the meaning of the words they are being asked to spell, this way they are more likely to use them correctly in their writing. 


There is a link on the website to the Oxford Dictionary should one not be available at home; however, one of the skills children must master as part of the National Curriculum is being able to look up words in a dictionary (we do practice this skill in class). 



Times Tables are also expected to be practiced at home.

Year 2 tables are: 2, 5, 10 so it is expected that children are confident with these by year 3. 
This year, they will build on these tables and also learn, 3, 4, and 8 with the accompanying division facts.

I am sure you are aware how important Times Tables are in every area of mathematics and therefore it is essential that children have rapid recall of these - in any order.

Useful Links for Times Table practise:

