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Term 2 - Fantastic Festivals

In Term Two our topic is Fantastic Festivals!


We will be using this term to build on the foundations that we have begun to build in Term One. Children will be more settled at school and will have begun to develop important relationships with each other and with us. We will use these positive relationships to encourage problem-solving skills and turn-taking. We will also spend time talking about different festivals and celebrations children enjoy and participate in at home with their families. We will look at celebrations around the world and from different cultures such as Diwali and Chinese New Year. 


The topic overview gives you an insight into what children will be learning about and some of the activities they will enjoy at school this half term. 


Ideas to try at home to help your child include: 


- continued practise of name writing and some of the graphemes (letters) we have learnt in Phonics. These include (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

- practising oral segmenting and blending of simple words. E.g. saying the sounds h-o-p and asking your child what your word is. They should be able to hear the word 'hop'

- recognition and formation of numbers 1-10 

- encourage your child to put their own coat on and zip it up

- supporting your child to get dressed and undressed for school with increased independence. This may include supporting them to put their clothes back in the right way.

