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Superstar Work

Term 4: Ancient Egyptians

RE: Salvation

Exploring Egyptian patterns in Art

Term 3: Europe including Russia

Design and Technology: Creating a Pavilion

Science: Living Things and Their Habitats

Design and Technology: Exploring Structures

Term 2: Anglo Saxons

The children created adverts for a beast slayer, newspaper reports on the defeat of Grendel from our book Beowulf, kenning poems and acrostic Christingle poems.


Term One: Mighty Mountains 

The children have created some fantastic pieces of work for our topic, Mighty Mountains. After reading parts of our class text, King of the Cloud Forests, they have written diary entries and informal letters in the character of Ashley. 
They have also researched and written their own non-chronological reports about animals in the mountains around the world as well as a biography on our significant individual, Sir Edmund Hillary. 

