Impact and Sustainability
St. Helen’s CEP school recognises the vital contribution of physical education to a child’s physical, cognitive, social and emotional development as well as the role it can play in a child’s spiritual, moral and cultural development. We aim to provide a broad and balanced P.E. curriculum to aid children’s increasing self-confidence in their ability to manage themselves and their bodies within a variety of movement situations.
Through a balance of individual, paired and group activities, we aim to cater for the different strengths, needs and preferences of each child, using differentiated activities where appropriate. We believe that through the variety of opportunities that PE offers, children can develop a sense of personal achievement, fair play, teamwork and an understanding of the ways in which sport can transcend social and cultural boundaries.
We plan a range of activities that aim to provide children with a broad base of movement knowledge, skills and understanding, which they can refine and expand throughout their primary school years. All children are encouraged to join clubs and extend their interest and involvement in sport. We encourage children to develop their creative and expressive abilities, through improvisation and problem-solving. Children are taught to appreciate the importance of a healthy and fit body, and begin to understand those factors which affect health and fitness.
The way we use our Sports Premium funding each year, seeks to enhance and sustain this ethos. Fundamental to this is investment in teacher subject knowledge and our sports partner Greenacre Sports Partnership. This partnership allows us to invest in the sustained development of P.E within our school community in three key ways:
1) Development of teacher pedagogy through lesson support, coaching, planning and assessment.
2) Engagement in competitive sports through entry into competitions and the running of related extra curricular clubs.
3) Raising the profile of increased physical activity throughout the school day through schemes such as Play Leaders and the Daily Mile.
Swimming Provision
End of KS2 Swimming Data 2023-24
Swimming Standards | Number of pupils Achieved | Percentage achieved |
Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres | 8/23 | 35% |
Use a range of strokes effectively | Not Assessed | Not Assessed |
Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. | Not Assessed | Not Assessed |