P.E. Reminders
Reading Notice
Children are expected to read at home (where possible to an adult) at least 4 times per week.
Children are only expected to read a page or two each night, however discussion around prediction and inference (what has happened, what might happen next, why it happened) will assist your child in developing their reading and comprehension skills.
The initiative introduced by the English lead to encourage reading at home for pleasure throughout the school will continue this academic year. Therefore for every 5 home reads to an adult (not 5 books just 5 times they read at home) children get a raffle ticket, which will enter them into a draw at the end of the term to win a prize. The children will also receive reading certificates when they hit milestones of 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 home reads.
Thank you for all of your continuous support.
Mrs Scanlon