Home Page

Beech – Year 4

Year 4

Beech Class



You will find important notices and information regarding Year 4 expectations, school trips and curriculum information. 
This page will be regularly updated with the children's work and experiences throughout Year 4.



PE Days

Please ensure that earrings and watches are removed.

PE kits needs to be in school throughout the week as PE days may change due to the weather. 

Term 1: Monday (Tag Rugby) and Thursday (Badminton) 

Term 2: Monday (Basketball) and Thursday (Forest School) 


Tested every Friday AM. 

Children's spellings will be set termly and put in their purple home spelling books. 
Children will also have them set on EdShed. 

Please look for other spelling strategies on the English Subject Page. 

Times Tables 

Tested every Friday AM. 

Children in Year 4 need to be fluent in all of their times tables up to 12 x 12. 


Homework is set every week on a Friday and due in by Wednesday. 

Homework will be set online via edshed, and 

Children will be reminded to ensure their homework is completed. 

If they do not complete their homework by Wednesday they will miss a lunch break to complete it during school. 



