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A few messages…



What a great start to the term, we really enjoyed our first week with your children and hope that they have come home talking about all we have done. They have been fantastic and we are looking forward to the rest of the year.

During our second week, we will be learning how to speak and write French greetings.


PE Reminders


  • Ear - rings need to be removed for PE sessions and Forest School please.
  • Children will need socks for PE if they wear tights in the winter (an old pair in their PE bag is fine).
  • An outside PE kit (named) is needed as we will still be going out (unless it is raining hard or icy) - can be a tracksuit, in an appropriate colour please, or just a pair of jogging bottoms and old sweatshirt, we just need to be warm.
  • Please refer to the letter, that was sent in the first week of term, regarding Forest School which is on a Thursday morning after break.



Weekly Spellings

I endeavour  to set the spellings for the term, this allows you and the children to see what is coming up and practice as soon as possible.   The children will be tested on these on a Friday. Children are expected to write the words three times and put them into sentences, it is important they know the meaning of the words they are being asked to spell, this way they are more likely to use them correctly in their writing. 


There is a link on the website to the Oxford Dictionary should one not be available at home; however, one of the skills children must master as part of the National Curriculum is being able to look up words in a dictionary (we will be practicing this skill in class). 


Times Tables

Year 2 tables are: 2, 5, 10.
This year, they will build on these tables and also learn, 3, 4, and 8.

I am sure you are aware how important Times Tables are in every area of mathematics and therefore it is essential that children have rapid recall of these - in any order, as well as the division facts. 

On a Friday there will be a test of these in class, the first tests will be 2, 5 and 10 to remind the children of last years learning and will then progress to 3, 4 and 8.

Times Table Rock Stars is still available for the children to used as a learning tool at home. The log in details are in contact books. Please come and see me if there are any problems.
